**Luchan Goldens is proud to announce another co-breeding endeavor with Prettyriver Goldens!!**
We have bred the lovely and talented Candy to Sheamus, and we have confirmed her pregnancy!!
Puppies due August 10/11, 2020.
A waiting list has already been established and we will be contacting folks shortly for interviews.
Candy x Sheamus
Prettyriver Crush At Luchan RE JH WCI CD CCA CGN Ch Kyon’s Sheamus O’Shea
This litter should produce puppies with exceptional working ability and wonderful temperaments. This will be Candy’s first attempt at motherhood and we are so excited to see the results from this combination of talented and titled Goldens!

Update!! Luchan Goldens and Prettyriver Goldens would like to introduce our newest babies! 6 boys and 5 girls!! Mom and babies are doing well! We will be concentrating on these new babies for the first little while and of course try to catch up on sleep, so we will contact folks on our waiting list very soon.
The Sheamus x Candy crew – 2020